~~~ welcome to the land of freedom where you can say anything without being judge ~~~


My Favorite Necklace and Bracelet

It's already four and a half hours and here I am now wanted to share some of my favorite accessories stuff which is mostly I got from my lovely auntie Henny and my dearly mom kekeke. Actually my favorite accessories is wristwatch but today I'll not share my wristwatch collection instead I just share some of my necklace and bracelet collection which is I wore a lot. So, here is the picture of my necklace and bracelet that I usually wear for my daily outfit. Here in the picture are my favorite one. Let's check it out ;)


ABBA one of my favorite everlasting album

Well today I wanna share one of my favorite CD which is ABBA Album “More ABBA Gold”. Why am I so into this album? Simply, because all of my favorite ABBA songs was listed in here kekeke,



Walt Whitman's poem

Well udah lama banget yaah gue gak ngepost apa-apa diblog ini tapi tenang aja kali ini gue kembali ngepost diblogku tersayang yang jarang gue urus ini -_-v Kali ini gue mau ngepost tentang puisi favorit gue, ini sebenarnya puisi lama tapi gatau kenapa gue suka banget sama puisi ini. Puisi yang akan gue post disini adalah puisi karya Walt Whitman yang judulnya "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer."


Indonesia oh Indonesia

Indonesia, Negara dimana saya lahir dan dibesarkan. Saya sangat mencintai negeri ibu pertiwi ini, tetapi sering kali juga saya dikecewakan oleh para pemimpin bangsanya. Betapa mirisnya saya, ketika mengetahui bahwa banyak rakyat Indonesia yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan, serta banyaknya hutang yang melilit bangsa ini di tengah kekayaan alamnya yang melimpah ruah.